Model an electrical system, perform simulation and analyse results in a secure cloud application. Currently, the power flow and short circuit analyses are available. More to come soon: optimal power flow, and controller simulation with time series simulation
Working only in a desktop web browser. Not working on mobile phones.
No fees for using the application. Developed by enthusiastic power system engineers, software developers and supported by our great community.
The calculation algorithm is based on the Pandapower application, which proved to give the same results as other renowned power system analysis software. The Electrisim application is tested by numerous scenarios to verify the proper results.
Security provided by the top-tier Google Cloud solution. The security mechanisms are based on the highest standards: ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 27017, ISO 27018 oraz CSA STAR
User-friendly graphical user interface (owing to Diagrams.net), based on drag-and-drop functionality for creating electrical diagrams.
Just click the start button and model, simulate and analyse electrical network using our cloud application.
We are listening to the needs of people, who use the application in order to make it better each day. Please give us your feedback.
We invite you to collaborate to the development of the Electrisim application:
Frontend Code (Github)The vision of the Electrisim Team is to provide a tool for electrical engineers to analyze electrical systems without the need to buy a commercial license and with no need to install dedicated software.
"Power flow solver is based on the Newton-Raphson method. The implementation was originally based on PYPOWER, but has been improved with respect to robustness, runtime and usability.' The backward/forward sweep, Iwamoto, fast decoupled and Gauss-Seidel methods are also available.
"The application includes a short-circuit calculation that allows to calculate fault currents for three-phase, two-phase and single phase short-circuits according to the IEC 60909 standard. The implementation also allows modeling power converter elements, such as PV plants or wind parks, according to the 2016 revision of the standard."
Contact us if you need assistance with our application, have any comments or suggestions for improvement, or are interested in exploring collaboration opportunities.
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